My name is Lita, and I'm an aspiring artist living in Saint Paul, Minnesota. I started Gnomish Behavior with the intent of sharing and archiving my thoughts, adventures, and creations. The title of this blog stemmed from one of my favorite things. Puns. Gnomes are commonly known for 4 things: Wandering underground, hanging out in gardens, travelling, and behaving mischievously. You'll find that these are common themes featured on this blog. I love all things old-world. Architecture, fashion, lifestyles, art, trades, crafts, etc. I love technology, though, and innovative ideas. I love contrasts, and things that are outside of their element. I love taking pictures. I love to cook. I love making something out of nothing. There's beauty in all sorts of unexpected places, and I love finding it! I hope you enjoy this collection!
Thanks for visiting!