New year, new online outlet

 Good evening!

It's nearly the end of January 2025. I've made some life changes over the past couple of months, including relocating back to my home state of Minnesota after a sojourn in New Mexico. A recent diagnosis of AVT (a mild heart condition) has changed my perspective a bit. I'm back in school, and loving it so far. I finally got tired of bouncing around dead-end customer service positions. Don't get me wrong, I do love helping people. I'm getting to that age where I'd rather do it with a license behind my name and a paycheck that makes it all worthwhile. I'm still painting, running, doing more yarn stuff than ever before, and am hoping that this new blog reignites my love of photography. The usual social media platforms have become pretty unbearable lately. It seems like everyone is out to fight, and I hate that anything you upload becomes the property of the platform. At least here on Blogger there's more anonymity and freedom. While I'm sure friends and family can find this on their own, I'll likely have to tell them where to find it. I dabbled with Blogger a few years back and think I can grow to enjoy it again. This new blog is mostly for me, though. I want to document parts of my life in the cloud, not just on my personal hard drives. I can't tell you how many photos and videos (memories) I've lost over the years, which makes me sad. Sure, some memories are tough to revisit, but I'd like the option either way. Since Covid, I don't feel as sharp as I used to. Hopefully, healthy habits change that, only time will tell. I'm trying to get my mojo back. This blog will serve as a diary of sorts. I feel like I've lost my confidence more and more with the passing of recent years. Many failures, heartbreaks, and setbacks have thrown my confidence in myself and as well as my outlook on this world into the mud. I used to be a much happier, cheerful and energetic lady, and want to get that back one way or another. I know logically that I am luckier than a lot of folks, I have my health, I'm not in jail, I don't have any children, I can work, and I'm still young enough to steer my course in the direction that I want. So yeah, a new little blog for me to spill parts of me into. Here's to learning, growing, and rolling with the punches.
